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PhD Thesis Abstract
There is a huge amount of articles analysing the anthropometry of
basketball players, the parameters of basketball, its physiological demands,
and the fitness level of the teams. However, the vast majority of these studies
focus on male basketball players. There are only a few studies working on
British high-level female basketball teams. Therefore, the main objectives of
this thesis will be to study the body composition and fitness level of English
and British female basketball players, and to desing a tool for controlling and
monitoring the training load in basketball (BATLOC Tool). This thesis will be a
compilation of 6 articles published in international journals. The general
results obtained from the six studies show that (a) there is no differences
when it comes to use of the Bleep test or the Yo-Yo test in order to calculate
the maximum oxygen uptake
through an indirect method. (b) The sample analysed of British
female basketball players (from grassroots to high level) had fitness level and
body composition values lower than high-level female basketball teams from
countries where basketball is more popular and better developed probably due to
the big difference in the number of traininig hours per week performed. (c) The
BATLOC tool seems to be a good method to control global internal training load
in basketball. This method does not require any expensive equipment and may be
very useful and convenient for coaches to monitor the internal training load of
basketball players and plan a proper periodisation, since the fitness level of
players involved in this study improved through the season.
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